Which of These 3 Types of Juices is Best?

It depends on your taste preference, your health condition, and your health goals. 

Not all juices are made equal. 

When you first start off with juicing, it's best to stick to juices that you like. For most beginners, these will usually be the fruit juices that are sweet and delicious.

That ís perfectly fine because you're still getting used to the idea of juicing and learning how it's all done. However, the whole purpose of juicing is to provide your body with a variety of vitamins and nutrients.

The modern-day American diet is high in processed foods and low in nutrients. So, juicing daily will help make up for the shortfall and give your body the nutrients it requires.

However, drinking juice made with apples and cucumber will not contain as many nutrients as one made with kale and celery. Kale is nutrient-dense and packs a punch.

So, while the fruit juice is sweeter and tastier, the green juice is healthier. The only way to get the best from your juicing efforts will be to consume a wide variety of juices.

So, what are your choices?

Mixed Fruit Juices

These are the best tasting of the 3 types of fruit juices. Made mostly from fruits, these are sweet and easy on your digestive system. You should consume a glass of fruit juice daily for about a month before you try including any vegetables in your juices.

There is often worry about whether consuming too much fruit juice will make one gain weight. If you're drinking a glass or two of freshly made juice daily, you probably won't.

If you're diabetic and worried about your blood sugar levels, you should speak to a doctor first. If you have a blood glucose monitor at home, you can test your blood sugar levels and see how the fruit juice affects you.

Some fruit juices will not have much effect, while others may register a small spike. Everyone is different. So, you'll have to test and see for yourself.

Fruit and Vegetable Juices

These juices are in the middle of the scale when it comes to juicing benefits. Generally, about 60% of the juice will be made of fruit juice and 40% from vegetables.

Since there are more fruits in the juice than vegetables, it will be sweeter and tastier than a juice made only of vegetables.

It's best to consume these fruit and vegetable blends for a month or two before trying out the vegetable juices.

Vegetable Juices

These juices are without a doubt the best of the 3 types of juices. Vegetable juices are made with 80 to 100 percent of vegetables. Occasionally, some fruits may be used to sweeten the juice. 

But for the most part, it'll be vegetables like kale, carrots, spinach, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, celery, and so on.

Usually, most people will find these the most unappetizing of the three types of juices. So, your goal will be to consume them in small amounts until you acquire the taste for them. Then you'll start to love these vegetable juices.

Consuming vegetable juices will give the most health benefits to your body.

These 3 types of juices are not mutually exclusive. You can have a different juice each day. Mondays and Wednesdays could be vegetable juices, while Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday can be a fruit and veggie blend.

You can enjoy your fruit juices on Saturday and Sunday. There is no right or wrong way to drink your juices. As long as they are natural and you're making them from fresh produce, you'll reap all the benefits that come from juicing. You'll look and feel great in no time at all.

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