Beet Root Juice - Your Next Favorite Healthy Juice

Many people are not familiar with the vegetable called beets. But according to several studies in the last few years, beetroot juice offers some great health benefits. 

This sugary, root vegetable has been used in many recipes, not just because of its sweet taste, but also because of the nutrients it contains that can support a healthy body. The best way to enjoy the beneficial attributes of beets is to drink beetroot juice. 

Before you go and get your beet root juice, here are some of the health benefits of beetroot juice that you should know.

Low Calorie and Nutrient Rich 

Beets are special because they are rich in essential nutrients yet the composition is mostly water. Therefore, they can be added to your meals even if you are trying to lose weight. 

Lowers Blood Pressure

Blood pressure issues are serious problems for older adults. High blood pressure can lead to damage to your heart. Blood pressure places a heavy strain on the circulatory tissues. This can result in inflammation that becomes a ripe ground for blood clots and collections of cholesterol that create blockages. These blockages can cause serious life-threatening events like strokes and heart attacks. 

Beetroot juice can help lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that adults who drink 8 oz of beetroot juice tend to lower their blood pressure. This is because the juice contains substances that help make the veins and arteries stay elastic. The elasticity help to accommodate passages of small particles.

Reduce Fatigue

Physical activity is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To keep the body running efficiently during these activities, the muscles must be fed with enough nutrients. 

In a 2012 study, researchers discovered that drinking beetroot juice was able to increase physical performance and metabolic efficiency. The test subjects drank beetroot juice during an observed exercise regimen, and scientists recorded longer performance times than before drinking the juice. 

Increases Muscle Power

Heart failure is a serious condition that can greatly impact the lifestyles of those who suffer from it. When a person has suffered heart failure, it can be difficult for the body to eliminate excess fluids, as well as distribute oxygen to two vital organs and the extremities. 

There are several studies geared toward finding solutions for this life-threatening disorder. One study focused on beetroot juice found a 15% increase in heart muscle power after the test subjects consumed beetroot juice. The nitrates in beets may be responsible for making circulation more efficient. 

Healthy Digestive System

Though we love the technology of modern food processes, it's sad that these processes result in the removal of a large portion of the natural fiber in foods. The result of this practice is having food in the gut with the consistency of a paste, which can collect all sorts of bacteria. 

Why is this a bad thing? Well, the bacteria eat holes into the intestines. This allows small amounts of the paste to be lodged into the tiny pockets in the intestines leading to more problems. Drinking beet juice that has high enough fiber can prevent this issue. The fiber helps to sweep the digestive tract on the way out. 

Better Cognitive Function

Do you feel like you have a cloudy mind? Reach for a few beets. Some researchers are looking at the ability of beets to improve brain functions. It seems that the beets can help the mind’s communication centers function more efficiently. 

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