Why is Infused Water Good For You? 7 Reasons You Should Know

Drinking infused water is one of the popular health trends nowadays. Have you jumped in?

We all know that drinking plenty of water is essential to our health. However, according to research, most of us don’t drink anywhere near enough water each day.

Infused water can help encourage you to drink more, while also delivering excellent health benefits. Find out what are the health benefits of drinking infused water.

health benefits of drinking infused water

Infused Water Defined

Infused water is naturally flavored water made by adding fruits, herbs and vegetables to water and leaving it for a certain time period to release their natural flavors and nutrients.

You’re left with a flavorful water drink that’s both healthy and delicious.

The Benefits of Infused Water

You’ll find infused water has a lot of awesome health benefits. You’ll not only receive the benefits of water alone but the benefits of the fruit, herbs and vegetables you’re using.

Below, we’ll look at some of the best benefits you can expect when you add this beverage to your daily routine.

1. Boosts Hydration

The biggest benefit of drinking plenty of water, is hydration. However, many people find after drinking lots of sweet sodas, water simply doesn’t have enough appeal. Therefore, they find it difficult opting for water over the sweet, fizzy drinks available.

Infused water is an excellent alternative for those who don’t like the taste of standard water because there are plenty of flavor options. It can help to maintain hydration levels topped up.

Hydration is very important because of these benefits: more lubricated joints, better transportation of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, and helping to keep the skin and hair in healthy condition. Read about What Happens If You Don't Drink Enough Water.

2. Reduced Appetite

Another great benefit of drinking infused water is that it can reduce appetite. If you’re struggling with your weight, you may find switching to infused water can really help.

Water alone can help to curb your appetite. However, with added fruits, vegetables and herbs, you’ll get that additional flavor which can also help satisfy the body’s sweet cravings without the added calories and fat.

3. Eliminates Toxins

You’ll find drinking infused waters also helps to eliminate toxins from the body. This will leave you feeling naturally more alert and healthier.

4. Fat Burning Benefits

Infused water can also aid in weight loss. It delivers impressive fat-burning capabilities, helping to speed up the metabolism. It also eliminates excess fat cells from the body.

Another weight loss benefit is that it can help you to feel much more energized. This in turn will encourage you to do more exercise, boosting your weight loss further.

5. Improved Immune System

The fruits, herbs, and vegetables used to make infused water have nutrients that can help to strengthen the immune system. This means you’ll be at a lesser risk of picking up colds and the flu. It also means your body will be better equipped to fight off diseases.

6. Better Mental Health

Another impressive benefit of infused water is that it can do wonders for your mental health. As you’ll have more energy, you’ll be less likely to snack on unhealthy foods. As mentioned above, the extra energy you’ll feel also helps you to work out more. This, in turn, aids your sleep patterns.

All of these benefits help to give your mental health a boost. You’ll feel naturally great after switching to drinking infused water.

7. Supports Kidney Function

The kidneys need an ample amount of water to function optimally. Having the option to drink infused water encourages a person to drink more and have enough water in the system. Also, when you drink infused water, there are ingredients that are beneficial to your kidney function.

For example, infused lemon water can help prevent kidney stones. The acids in lemon can stop the formation of crystals from calcium. Then, cucumber water provides your body with potassium, which helps regulate the quantity of sodium that is retained in your kidneys.

These are just some of the awesome benefits you can expect to experience when you start drinking infused waters. The exact health benefits will depend upon the ingredients used. It’s amazing to think that just a simple change to your diet such as adding infused waters, can make a huge difference to your health and wellbeing.

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