The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

Drinking tea is very popular nowadays. Many people drink more tea and less coffee because of the health benefits of tea. Tea is a drink that tastes great and offers different varieties. People from many countries, such as China, Japan, Europe and India. North Americans are also going crazy now with this trend.

Green tea is one of the best teas, which you should be drinking if you care for your health. The following are some health benefits of tea:

Green tea helps the body eliminate free radicals

The health benefits of green tea is mainly because of EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate), a substance that is a very powerful and natural antioxidant. Antioxidants help to remove harmful radicals from the body including those that can damage cells, cause cancer and shorten a person's lifespan.  

Tea has anti-aging properties

Free radicals also contribute to the aging process, that is why it could be slowed down when you drink green tea.

Green tea is great for weight loss

Another benefit of EGCG is it's ability to speed up metabolism, thus it helps in losing weight.

Green tea helps to reduce anxiety

Green tea contain caffeine, but not as much as coffee. It also has the amino acid, L-theanine, which could cross the blood-brain barrier. Why is this important? Well, L-theanine helps to increase brain activities, which help to reduce anxiety. So help yourself to having more green tea when you feel stressed out.

All tea – green, black and Oolong teas, come from the same plant. The difference between black and green tea is the way it is processed. Green tea doesn't go through a fermentation process, which removes the EGCG. Now you know green tea has more health benefits.

Green tea helps fight bacteria and diseases

Green tea also helps fight tooth decay, all kinds of bacteria and infections. Studies show that green tea has the capability to repair your immune system and prevent heart disease and other illnesses. It may be helpful in lowering the probabiyou will develop breast and/or prostate cancer. The referenced studies was participated by Japanese people who drank at least 5 cups
of green tea per day.

The benefits of drinking black tea include helping you to reduce bad cholesterol and to heal blood cells. It also keeps the heart healthy. The major difference between green and black teas is the amount of antioxidants it contains. Green tea has the most amount of antioxidants, followed by black tea and Oolong teas.

If you simply don’t like the taste of green tea, you could try one with some mint . Always look for natural teas with no hidden chemicals. Drink several cups of green tea each day to get the most benefits. Try swapping your morning coffee with green tea. You may be surprised that you do not miss coffee as much as you thought.

Remember there are many health benefits of tea so it is definitely something worth including in your regular diet.

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