5 Infused Water Recipes to Try

In the post How to Prepare Infused Water, we learned the general steps of preparing infused water. In this post, let see what combination of fruits will make a good infused water flavor.

Apple Cinnamon Infused Water

Red apples
Cinnamon stick

This apple cinnamon infused water recipe is great for the fall and winter season. Just core some red apples and slice them thinly. Put the apple slices and cinnamon stick in a pitcher and fill with cold water. Put the pitcher of infused water in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Cranberry Orange Infused Water

Herbs (optional)

The combination of cranberry and orange is a good one and many enjoy it during the holidays. This fruity and refreshing infused water is best to drink early in the morning or with meals.

Slice the cranberries in half to release the juice. Slice the oranges thinly. Put the slices of fruit together in a pitcher or infused water bottle. Fill the pitcher with cold water. Some herbs, like mint and basil, can be added as well.

Fall Fruits Infused Water


This infused water recipe can be customized according to you liking. The basis of this recipe is the use of fruits that are in-season. You can use any of the fruits listed above.

To prepare, cut the fruits into small slices. Put the slices of fruits in the pitcher and fill it with cold water. Add herbs if you like. The infused water may be placed in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.

Green Apple, Berries and Herbs Infused Water

Green apples
Berries like strawberries, cranberries and raspberries
Herbs like rosemary, basil and mint

Create your own infused water with the fruits you like. You can start with juicy, tarty green apples, some herbs and berries.

Slice the apple thinly and put the slices into the pitcher. Add the berries and herbs you like and fill the pitcher with cold, distilled water. Store and consume within 24 to 48 hours.

Lime Pomegranate Infused Water

Pomegranate seeds

Pomegranates are in season during the fall and winter months. These brightly-colored fruits will give your infused water a unique flavor and sweetness. Adding lime will make it more refreshing.

Scoop the pomegranate seeds from the fruit and muddle the seeds before adding to the pitcher or infused water bottle. Add slices of lime and fill with cold, distilled water and a few ice cubes.

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