3 Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Smoothies

reasons why you should drink green smoothies

Greens are healthy for our body. We all know it and the more we eat veggies, the better our health becomes. But, the truth is, there are many people who would feel like a rabbit after eating salads, meal after meal, let's say in a week's time. We don't have to feel the same way because there's a way that we can have even more fresh greens into our diet and actually like it - "green smoothies."

If you are new to green smoothies, I encourage you to try it. If you’re always drinking fruit and yogurt smoothies that look and taste like a milkshake, you would probably find green smoothies taste quite unusual. But believe me, they can be yummy and might just become your favorite way to eat greens.

If you just add one large green smoothie to your diet, you already get a few servings of fruit and low sugar vegetables. If you want to know other reasons why your should drink green smoothies, read on to know three of the big benefits of green smoothies.

1. Green Smoothies Are Full Of Nutrients

leafy green smoothies

Green smoothies contain fresh produce including a big serving of leafy greens. That packs a big nutritional punch. While the exact nutritional composition will differ from one green smoothie to another because of the variety of ingredients you use, your smoothie will still be full of vitamins and minerals that are healthy for you.

Making your own smoothies allow you to select the ingredients. If you have a hectic day ahead, add some vegetables that are high in B vitamins for an extra boost in energy. Do you feel like you are about to have a cold? Put a few oranges in your smoothie for a boost in vitamin C. You get your dose of needed vitamins with the help of a daily green smoothie.

2. Green Smoothies Are Low In Calories

Green smoothies are very low in calories. Because the bulk of your smoothie is made of leafy greens, it is not only nutritious, it is also low in calories. Surely, you can add a little bit of sugar by putting a sweet fruit or fruit juice. You can also add some healthy fat by including avocado or olive oil to your smoothie. In the end the outcome will still be a health-giving food that is low in calories but high in nutrients and vitamins.

It’s very simple to prepare filling smoothies that are low in calories and could be a perfect addition to any weight loss program. Begin with a lot of fresh greens and then put a touch of fruit and a few low calorie vegetables like peppers, cucumbers or other non-starchy vegetable. Mix it up with water and you will have a yummy and refreshing green smoothie that fills you up and gives you energy.

3. Green Smoothies Provides a Lot of Fiber

Lastly, smoothies provide plenty of healthy fiber that’s good for your digestive tract and it makes you feel full for a long time. You're surely a winner if you drink green smoothies while trying to eat healthier and lose weight.

Now, how do you make green smoothies?  It is easy.

As mentioned in the post The Basics of Smoothie Making, the first thing you should add in the blender is the liquid. You can use water, coconut water, coconut milk, almond milk or soy milk.

Then, you can add your greens. Put in handfuls of leafy greens such as chard, spinach, kale and romaine lettuce. Choose what you want. Freely mix and match whatever greens that need to be used first. It's ideal to mix and match as many different types of greens as possible. That way you'll get a wide variety of nutrients. You can even put some micro greens and herbs.

Now, fill up the rest of your blender with fresh or frozen fruit for added flavor. Green smoothies are tasty, but they can taste a little bit off. Starting out with a lot of fruits will make the green smoothie more edible. After some time, you can lessen the amount of fruit you use.

If you want to lose some weight, or if you’re doing this to lower your sugar intake, then you can target to cut back on the fruit you put. You can cut out juice as well.

Either way, you’ll end up with a tasty smoothie and a new way to contain lots of fresh greens in your diet. Because you’re using whole foods and lots of leafy greens, you'll not only have all the nutrients in these foods but also lots of fiber that will keep you full for a long time.

Start drinking green smoothies and you will be amazed with how many greens you can add into one smoothie that is easy to drink. It is much better and easier to drink greens than eat them as salad. It's much healthier also because you don't need to add any processed food and salt in he form of salad dressing. Green smoothie is an excellent drink and is something you should try for yourself.

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